Welcome to BrightMinds Childcare and Preschool

At BrightMinds Childcare and Preschool, we provide a nurturing and stimulating environment where children can learn, grow, and thrive. Our dedicated team of educators is committed to fostering a love for learning and helping each child reach their full potential.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the minimum age for enrollment?

We accept children as young as 6 weeks old.

Do you offer part-time enrollment options?

No, we do not offer part time. We do offer 5 holding days per calendar year (half price) for vacations.  We also offer a discounted rate during the summer for children who's parents are teachers. 

What safety measures do you have in place?

We have strict safety protocols in place, including secure entry systems, regular safety drills, cameras throughout the center, and trained staff for emergency situations.

Do you have a waitlist?

Yes, we do have a waitlist.  Please contact the center to get more information about our waitlist or submit a waitlist request in our Contact Us tab.


BrightMinds Childcare and Preschool
1100 Linden Drive, Holmen, WI 54636